Thursday, December 29, 2011

Making a SMART New Year's Resolution

             It's 2 days until New Year's Eve, and the dreaded task of coming up with a New Year's Resolution has overcome me. Most people never achieve their New Year's Resolutions, mostly because they're such cliche things as "lose weight", "quit smoking", or I've even heard "win the lottery". I feel the need to make one, even if I don't achieve it, because it means I haven't given up on bettering myself...I make goals all year too, but the ringing in of a new year seems as good a time as any for a new start.

          So this year, I decided to come  up with a goal that I will actually achieve. As some of you know, I'm finishing a degree, and this past semester I took an Education course that taught us how to make goals that were SMART-that we could achieve. So I'm going to make a New Year's Resolution using this process. I encourage anyone else who is setting a goal this New Year to use this too :).

Basically, a good goal is:

Specific - Generally if you make a goal that is broad, doesn't actually specify what exactly it is that you're going to do or how you're going to get there, it is not measurable. See below.

Measurable - You must be able to measure whether you actually achieve this goal or not. This rules out "lose weight" or "get in shape"...How much weight? Per month? Per week? Define "in shape".

Attainable - don't make a goal so out there that it's highly unlikely you'll be able/have the motivation to follow through on.

Realistic - this is solely based on you. What is realistic for YOU based on time constraints, money, kids keeping you running, etc.

Timely - Make it something you can actually achieve in a reasonable amount of time. This will keep you motivated to follow through. If you think about it, how many of us will really follow through on a goal that we don't succeed or fail at for an entire year? You forget, get busy, a lot changes in a year.

                 My goal, considering my destination wedding is coming up,  has to do with looking great. But I wanted something better than "look wonderful in my wedding dress". I've also always wanted to be a disciplined enough person to run, but that always fails. Discipline is my arch enemy.

                 I think I've decided on my goal to run the "Spring Thaw" 10K Run on April 29th, and then proceed to run "Melissa's Road Race" , the half marathon, on September 22nd. Hmmm...let's see how this holds up.

Specific - that's pretty specific, two specific dates by which I have to be able to run 10 and 22 kilometres.

Measurable - I guess when April 29th and September 22nd come, I'll be able to measure whether I hit my goal based on whether I can breathe halfway through these runs ;).

Attainable - hmmm....well my plan is to do (and actually complete) the Couch 2 5K, a plan that gets you from the couch to running 5 kilometres in 12 weeks, so if I accomplish that these goals are both doable.


Timely.....With two separate timelines, I think I have this covered.

               Two things missing with my elaborate plan? A running buddy/person I'd be standing up if I don't get out of bed, and a gym membership. On the hunt!

What are YOUR New Year's Resolutions? Or do you make them at all?

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