Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fantastic Fridge Magnet

The other day we made these really cute fridge magnets. They are fairly easy and super fun to decorate and they're handy for the fridge!

Supplies you will need (I picked up all of it at Walmart and Zellers):

One foam sheet
Piece of paper
Magnet strips with one side of adhesive
Anything to decorate your frame

Moms you will have to do the first part of cutting out the frame and gluing the paper to the back side. On one side of the foam sheet you will make 2cm marks all round the corners, like the pictures below. Then cut out the center, this will be your frame. I used an exacto knife and a ruler, however you can just use scissors.

 Once you have the frame cut out, cut a piece of paper 1/2 cm smaller than the frame. You will then glue the piece of paper to the frame. Let it sit for half an hour so it can dry.


Flip it over and place the adhesive side of the magnet onto the frame

Now the fun part! Decorate as you see fit. You can colour you name into it like we did or you can put the kids hand prints on them. Or you can decorate the whole frame itself like below. Your imagination is your creation!

 Now your new fridge magnet is ready!

Your momstown Mama


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