Saturday, April 14, 2012

momstown kids say the darndest things!

We have a fairly active message board, where we talk about all sorts of things, one of the threads that I really love reading is what is the funniest thing your kid/s have said or done today. So I thought I would do our own rendition of Kids Say the Darndest Things.

One of our repeat offenders Jack:

Don't say no Mommy, it's bad for me.

I know mommy said no. But Jack says Yeeeessssssss.

Batman doesn't  poop on the potty, so I don't have to either.

Mommy, where's Samaras penis (me: she doesn't have one)
You Broke It Off?! FIX IT!

Jack starts to cover me up. I ask him if I need it because I'm sick.
he says "no mommy, you're dying"

when he asked to go to my parents, they said no maybe next time.
"but grandma, don't you LOVE me anymore!?"

Jack was standing beside me and Samara was pestering/hittng him. He turns around, puts both hands on her shoulders, and starts with
"Look at me Samara. You Can't Hit People! you can hurt them. Say you're sorry and then go play"

These are a cute duo:

Sean: Mommy I found a boogie. It was in my nose! Oh I found another one!

Sean: Can we go to Disneyland?
Sophie: Only way we're going to Disneyland is if I learn how to drive.

Sean: Mommy what's Santa's phone number, I forgot to tell him something.

Sean: We need some money.
Sophie: Better go to the dollar store then.

Me to Sean: Eat your veggies so you grow up to be big & strong.
Sean: No I wanna be short & fat like you.

My son says very few words right now, however this night we knew exacty what he was saying:

DH is feeding lil man is bottle before bed, however he isn't staying still and is trying to roll around. DH says 'okay you must be finished' and puts the bottle on the nightstand. Lil man starts crying and points at his bottle and says 'Bad dad dad Bad dad dad. So DH gave him the bottle back and he calmly finished it. We both burst out laughing!

I always get a good chuckle when I read these, hope I put  a smile on your face! What are some of the funniest things your little one(s) have oh so sincerely brought to your attention?

Your momstown Mama,
